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Insulation for protection and Economy

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Μόνωση για προστασία και Οικονομία
Article by Mr. Anargyros Andreou, President of the Panhellenic Association of Insulation Companies - (PSSM), first published at

In the last decade, it has finally become a reality for both real estate developers and private individuals that the insulation of buildings they build or buy is extremely important and is an option that will bring them multiple benefits throughout life of their buildings.

Changes in the economic and social landscape have caused great concern and insecurity for all of us.

The large increases in energy prices (increase in oil prices, currents etc.) and the difficulty of repairing the buildings due to the damage caused by the lack of proper thermal insulation and waterproofing, created for the first time in Greece the concepts of energy renovation and of energy security, for our properties.

Proper insulation and waterproofing is required in all buildings, whether we are talking about new constructions, or we are talking about energy renovation of older buildings.

The cost of your investment, to make a proper thermal insulation and waterproofing, is minimal in relation to the total cost of a construction, and is readily and readily depreciated. Depending on the condition and age of the building, the money to be invested in insulation will be amortized in about a decade for new buildings, while for old buildings that have been constructed with little or no thermal insulation, depreciation can still be made faster, and in some cases even within a five-year period.

This is the objective of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Insulation Companies (PESM). Feel safe for your property. The energy upgrading of buildings by the application of certified insulation systems by certified insulators guarantees the fast and safe depreciation of your investment. It guarantees your energy security.


The benefits of thermal insulation and waterproofing of buildings

Saving money from energy savings

The thermal insulation in the building, is intended to ensure a thermally comfortable indoor climate in the home. In simple words, keep the house warm during the winter months and respectively cool and comfortable and during the summer months. In homes without adequate thermal insulation, it is common for owners to complain that they are cold in the winter even when the heating system is running incessantly and their homes inland have a satisfactory temperature.

This is because a huge amount of thermal energy is essentially lost through the roof, the walls and the spout. You spend too much money to heat your space, the radiators are working incessantly, but in fact a percentage of about 60% of your money is simply wasting it with no effect.

In addition, even at a huge cost, you can reach temperatures of thermal comfort even when you feel cold. This is because the feeling of thermal comfort depends not only on the temperature of the room (the temperature of the air), but also on the temperature of the surrounding surfaces (ie the temperature of the roof and your walls).

When the house is not properly insulated and therefore the building blocks remain cold, cold drafts are generated when the warm air that you are generate with an enormous financial inside your home comes into contact. This has the effect of giving you the feeling of coolness in your home even when the air temperature inside is judged to be satisfactory.

A similar feeling, warm this time, prevails in non-heat-insulated homes during the summer months. Even with long-term use of air conditioners, you are warming up in your home while spending enormous amounts to cool your space without actually cooling down.

By insulating your building, you save at least 50% of the energy you needed to heat or cool it.

Because one of the characteristics of heat-insulated buildings is that the temperature required to achieve a sense of thermal comfort within your home is less than what is required when your home is not properly insulated (eg in a non-heat-insulated home even 21-22 degrees are not enough to feel warm and comfortable while after the thermal insulation of your building you will feel warm comfortable at about 19 degrees in the winter months) this savings can be reached in some cases even at 65-70%.

So, you understand that by properly insulating your home, you will save a lot of money from the tremendous energy savings you will have.

You will stop worrying about price increases in oil and electricity. You will finally feel energy-safe.


You also make money from renovating your property

An equally important benefit for you is the goodwill that your property acquires. In addition to the energy renovation offered by the thermal insulation and the waterproofing in your building, you will also get a complete aesthetic - visual renovation of the exterior of your building.

Practically this means a new, completely renovated building exterior, which you can rebuild according to your personal taste, even with architectural touches, making a safe investment that will remain unchanged for many many years.

Saving money from maintaining your building

If your building is not thermal insulated and water insulated, you have to maintain it often, spending considerable amounts depending on its age.

For example, some of the most common problems faced by buildings:

Humidity from condensation on the internal walls and roof.

The phenomenon is called a "dew point" and is created during the winter months when the indoor spaces are heated when the water vapor inside the house comes into contact with the cold building elements (ceiling, walls, springs if any).

The effect of this phenomenon is the appearance of moisture on the internal surfaces, you will see drops running from your walls and ceilings and / or the creation of gray and black spots and spots (ie the appearance of a fungus). The phenomenon results in many owners having to paint their home often (even every year) or in cases of intense humidification, to show more significant damage (reinforcement oxidation, plaster cracks or even plastering of plasters from the ceilings) and therefore great expenses from you for the repair of damages.

Protect the building blocks of your building

Thermal insulation on the roof, walls and flooring protects your property from heavy thermal stresses (the building blocks do not freeze in the winter and do not burn in the summer), virtually eliminating the formation of capillary (or even larger) cracks in the plaster.

Of course, the correct insulation of the structural elements is necessary, because in addition to the thermal stresses, the exterior of your building is permanently exposed to weather conditions, snow rains, etc.
The right combination of insulation and waterproofing on the outside of your building will save you tremendous amounts of money that you will need to spend to repair damage to a house that does not have thermal insulation and waterproofing.

You will now be able to feel safe that there will be no sudden unforeseen costs to maintain or even worse repair your property.



Choosing to invest in the insulation of your property is the most important way to reduce your family budget.

You will see immediate benefits in your wallet, from the money you will save to heat and cool your space, you will be quiet that you will not suddenly need to overturn everything in your financial planning to repair unexpected damage.

Your property will gain added value, your property will be upgraded especially if you plan to rent it or sell it, where the energy certificate is now mandatory and reflects the energy rating of the property.

Besides the financial benefits that you will have, from the energy security you will finally feel, it is equally important to upgrade the quality of life that you have in your home.

The thermal comfort that you and your family will enjoy in both winter and summer is priceless and perhaps sometimes stronger than the economic benefit.

Of course, when talking about proper thermal insulation and waterproofing, it is understood that we are talking about certified systems, certified materials and certified fitters.

In order to maximize and secure the investment that you will make with the insulation of your building, it is necessary to properly study the needs of your property, and correct application with the appropriate materials. This is the reason for the existence of the Pan-Hellenic Association of Insulation Companies (PSEM). It is a guarantee of safety - quality for the benefit of the consumers, to ensure the proper provision of services by certified insurers so as to maximize the benefits of your investment, to feel safe and secure with your property, to ensure the longevity of your property.

* Article by Mr. Anargyros Andreou, President of the Panhellenic Association of Insulation Companies - PESM, first published at
