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Sustainable Ecological Construction

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Αειφόρος οικολογική δόμηση

Sustainable construction is a process that all the building factors involved need to combine functional, economic, environmental and quality parameters for the erection and renovation of buildings and structured environments that are attractive, durable, functional, accessible and comfortable and healthy living conditions, promoting the well-being of the users of each construction

Buildings of the future and of today must be efficiently in terms of resources, energy, materials and water, requiring minimal external energy for function.
Tomorrow's homes have to adapt to the local climate and environment, to respect the people who use them and to provide them inner comfort.

It is a fact that there is a significant lag in the building sector in terms of achieving energy efficiency, despite the fact that there is building expertise according to the principles of sustainability and eco-design.For this reason, the European Commission strengthens the institutional arrangements with a set of Community Directives, which relate to buildings, setting out new data on their design, construction and renovation, which will bring about significant improvements in the environmental and economic performance of cities and the quality of life of residents their.

All Member States adopt sustainable building programs, in combination with new standards and regulations, following a performance-based approach rather than describing specific techniques or solutions to be applied.

Efforts are also focused for renovasion, which is a more complex process, but it presents significant environmental benefits because the energy & materials used are maintained and will be proven to bring about a significant improvement in the environmental performance of cities and the quality of life of residents, within the current hundred years.

It is essential that all the involved, designers - engineers - builders and even individuals be informed more systematically about the environmental characteristics of the construction materials.

We all need to help to the development and implement of sustainable building programs, set high performance requirements based on European standards, while local authorities and the public are encouraged to create tax incentives for buildings in accordance with the principle of sustainability.


Sustainable Construction by Andreou Insulation SA

Buildings for construction with main preconditionare the accurate information on the performance and impact of building materials and the way of building in relation with the environment. Insulations, and in particular precise energy design, reduce energy losses, thus contributing overall to controlling climate change.

Can be achieved a 50% reduction in cooling and heating needs in existing buildings, up to 90% in newly built buildings.

Priority must be given to the proper choice of insulation systems (insulation, sealing) of buildings, the right placement and choice of energy frames, to the exploitation of the natural resources of each surrounding space.

The right energy-insulated buildings maintain and protect the environment for younger generations, create a pleasant and comfortable living environment (indoor thermal comfort) and of course offer financially individual and social benefits.

It is now understandable to all of us that our planet is not immeasurable and that its natural resources are limited. Their inappropriate use will result in their exhaustion and the destruction of the environment, an environment we all have to protect so that we can deliver it to the next generations.

This should be the effort! This is the goal!
